Temporary workers at the helm

We are the most honest employment agency in the Netherlands.

Why choose Fair Jobs?

This is where we distinguish ourselves:

Cooperative makes exploitation impossible

Unlike usually in the staffing industry, Fair Jobs is a cooperative. When you work for the employment agency, you are co-owner of the company.

Temporary workers have a voice

At Fair Jobs, temporary workers co-own the company. Together, they set policy and determine the company’s future.

Temporary employment improvement plan will be implemented

Based on practical information, FairWork has drawn up an improvement plan for the temporary employment sector. This reduces the risk of abuses and the improves the position of foreign temporary workers in the Netherlands. Fair Jobs is implementing this plan.

Personal development of temporary employees

Temporary workers work a maximum of four days a week at a hirer. They can spend the fifth day on training. After all, you don’t live to work.

Or they give presentations or interviews about their experiences in the Netherlands. For this, they receive a salary.

The fairest employment agency in the Netherlands

Flexible contracts, poor housing and lack of information; EU citizens working as temporary workers in the Netherlands too often experience abuses. This has to change, say Klaas Burger (Academy for Imaging) and Francien Winsemius (FairWork). That is why they are launching the new employment agency Fair Jobs.

klaas burger
twee mannen zitten op een bankje

Don't take our word for it, but hear what our customers say

"What appeals to me is that you guys get at the wheel yourselves and try to implement change. I like that better than people shouting at me from the passenger seat."
Employment agency director
"This could be the ideal temp agency that all other temp agencies are looking at!"
"I hope Fair Jobs can find temporary workers through its good contacts in other European countries. We have a lot of trouble getting enough staff."
Logistics company director
"If our company could start again, I would also want to go for such a model as Fair Job. Now unfortunately that is not possible, the shareholders would not agree to that".
Employment agency director